2,728 research outputs found

    Phase diagram and isentropic curves from the vector meson extended Polyakov quark meson model

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    In the framework of the Nf=2+1N_f = 2+1 flavor (axial)vector meson extended Polyakov quark meson model we investigate the QCD phase diagram at finite temperature and density. We use a χ2\chi^2 minimization procedure to parameterize the model based on tree\,-\,level decay widths and vacuum scalar and pseudoscalar curvature masses which incorporate the contribution of the constituent quarks. Using a hybrid approximation (mesons at tree level, fermions at one\,-\,loop level) for the grand potential we determine the phase boundary both on the μBT\mu_B-T and ρT\rho-T planes. We also determine the location of the critical end point of the phase diagram. Moreover by calculating the pressure and other thermodynamical quantities derived from it, we determine a set of isentropic curves in the crossover region. We show that the curves behave very similarly as their counterparts obtained from the lattice in the crossover regime.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Presented at Excited QCD 2017, 7-13 May 2017, Sintra, Portuga

    Service-oriented Context-aware Framework

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    Location- and context-aware services are emerging technologies in mobile and desktop environments, however, most of them are difficult to use and do not seem to be beneficial enough. Our research focuses on designing and creating a service-oriented framework that helps location- and context-aware, client-service type application development and use. Location information is combined with other contexts such as the users' history, preferences and disabilities. The framework also handles the spatial model of the environment (e.g. map of a room or a building) as a context. The framework is built on a semantic backend where the ontologies are represented using the OWL description language. The use of ontologies enables the framework to run inference tasks and to easily adapt to new context types. The framework contains a compatibility layer for positioning devices, which hides the technical differences of positioning technologies and enables the combination of location data of various sources

    Chiral phase transition in the vector meson extended linear sigma model

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    In the framework of an SU(3) (axial)vector meson extended linear sigma model with additional constituent quarks and Polyakov loops, we investigate the effects of (axial)vector mesons on the chiral phase transition. The parameters of the Lagrangian are set at zero temperature and we use a hybrid approach where in the effective potential the constituent quarks are treated at one-loop level and all the mesons at tree-level. We have four order parameters, two scalar condensates and two Polyakov loop variables and their temperature and baryochemical potential dependence are determined from the corresponding field equations. We also investigate the changes of the tree-level scalar meson masses in the hot and dense medium.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    A statistical method to estimate low-energy hadronic cross sections

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    In this article we propose a model based on the Statistical Bootstrap approach to estimate the cross sections of different hadronic reactions up to a few GeV in c.m.s energy. The method is based on the idea, when two particles collide a so called fireball is formed, which after a short time period decays statistically into a specific final state. To calculate the probabilities we use a phase space description extended with quark combinatorial factors and the possibility of more than one fireball formation. In a few simple cases the probability of a specific final state can be calculated analytically, where we show that the model is able to reproduce the ratios of the considered cross sections. We also show that the model is able to describe proton\,-\,antiproton annihilation at rest. In the latter case we used a numerical method to calculate the more complicated final state probabilities. Additionally, we examined the formation of strange and charmed mesons as well, where we used existing data to fit the relevant model parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Baracsi római katonai tábor = The Roman auxiliary fort at Baracs

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    A négy éves támogatás idejére azt vállaltam, hogy 2005 végére elkészítek egy, a baracsi római tábor (Annamatia) 1999-2005 közötti ásatásáról szóló angol nyelvű monográfiát, valamint feldolgozom az előkerült leletanyagot. A kézirat elkészült, a Martin Opitz kiadó fogja még várhatóan ez évben megjelentetni. Címe: EXCAVATIONS IN THE ROMAN AUXILIARY FORT OF ANNAMATIA (BARACS) BETWEEN 1999 AND 2005. BUDAPEST 2006 (S. A.) A kötet tartalmazni fogja az eddigi kutatástörténetet, a tábor ásatások során feltárt belső épületeinek, védműveinek, saroktornyainak és megmaradt kapuinak a részletes leírását, a legfontosabb leleteket és azok kiértékelését, valamint a tábor egyes építési periódusait tartalmazó összefoglalást, a többi pannoniai erőddel való összehasonlítását. Külön fejezetben foglalkoztam a lelőhelyről származó római faragott kőemlékekkel. Az előkerült leletanyag teljes egészében restaurálásra került, túlnyomó többségét (kb. 75 %) az Intercisa Múzeum restaurátorai segítségével rajzos és fotó formátumban dokumentáltuk. A kötet megjelenésével a munka nem fog megállni, az ásatásokat idén is folytatjuk, továbbá tervezzük Thúry L., Horváth F. és Lőrincz B. közreműködésével az egyes leletcsoprtok kiértékelését tartalmazó 2. kötet megjelentetését is 2007-ben. | During the four-year-long work my first aim was to prepare the manuscript of a monography written in English on the excavations of the Roman fort of Annamatia (Baracs) between 1999 and 2005. In the end of 2005 the manuscript has been prepared with the following title and it will be published by the Publisher Martin Opitz (Budapest) during this year. EXCAVATIONS IN THE ROMAN AUXILIARY FORT OF ANNAMATIA (BARACS) BETWEEN 1999 AND 2005. BUDAPEST 2006 (henceforth). The volume contains the history of research, the results of the excavations (the gates, inner buildings, angle towers) with the most important find material and a summary on the history of the auxliliary fort. The stone material will also be published in this volume. Another aim was to work up find material of the excavations that has also been prepared with the help of the Intercisa Museum (drawings and photo documentation). A second volume is also planned to publish in 2007 on the find material with the contributions of L. Thúry, F. Horváth and B. Lőrincz